1. Design according to your lifestyle.

     Before making any design decisions, envision how you actually plan to use a space and take that into consideration. Communicate with your interior designer about what kind of lifestyle and routines your family has, which can help plan the layout and function of each room.

2. Be specific with the design you want.

     Collect inspiration photos of furniture pieces and color schemes that best illustrate your ideas. This will give you and your interior designer a starting point in creating a design specifically for you. The more information you give your designer, the more tailored and precise your home will be.

3. Stick to a budget.

      Sit down with your designer and plan a project with goals and phase-in purchases over a specific timeline. Be conservative with your budget . Have a written contract with your designer to be clear on how you'll be charged, when deposits should be made, what you will be getting, and when the work should be complete.

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